برگزار کنندگان
Ferdowsi University of MashhadFaculty of Engineering Intelligent Systems Society of IranIFSS100ifsalogo100riaziIEEE
پوستر کنفرانس

کنفرانس هاي گذشته
انتخاب زبان

 ارسال مجدد ایمیل تایید؟
 فراموشی رمز ورود
 کاربر جدید ؟ ثبت نام


صفحه مناسب براي چاپگر


The organizing committee of CCI2020 invites all interested professionals to hold workshops in conjunction with the main event. The workshops are designed to provide a unique opportunity to introduce industry enthusiasts and university students to the different paradigms, available tools as well as emerging topics in computational intelligence. These workshops can also be used to illustrate problems in the industry and introduce successful examples of industrial implementation of artificial intelligence in various industries. All respected applicants are requested to conduct the workshops in an interactive manner and to include sections for discussion, questions and answers for participants to share their ideas.

Workshops can be held in two hours, half or full day events depending on the scope and the contents of the workshop.

تاريخ‌هاي مهم

مهلت ارسال مقالات

25 آذر 1398

30 دي 1398

اعلام نتايج داوري مقالات

22 دي 1398(ارسال به موقع)

15 بهمن 1398(ارسال ديرهنگام)

مهلت ارسال نسخه آماده چاپ

30 مرداد 1399

مهلت ثبت نام زودهنگام

23 بهمن 1398

مهلت ثبت نام مقاله 

30 بهمن 1398

تاريخ برگزاري کنگره

12 تا 14 شهريور 1399

  تعداد بازدید کنندگان :87243
©2016 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.